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Parent and Child Interaction Therapy

What to expect during a PCIT therapy session?

    Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based treatment where caregivers learn skills to manage their children's behavior using play therapy techniques and consistency with discipline. The treatment is approximately 12 weeks but can vary depending on the needs of the families, the child's behavior and consistency with the implementation of the tools learned during the sessions, among other factors. Caregivers participate in training sessions with their children where the therapist will observe/train caregivers to manage their children's behavior.


   PCIT is divided into two phases:


The first phase is based on strengthening the bond, attachment and security of your child with you, working on increasing self-esteem, increasing attention and focus on the tasks presented, as well as prosocial behaviors. Caregivers will also learn to manage/decrease behaviors (such as whining, yelling, talking back, crying, etc) by using active ignoring. Caregivers will learn the importance of ignoring the behavior, not the child. 

   The second phase is based on discipline. Caregivers will learn effective discipline techniques to be consistent in setting limits with their children, as well as help them to follow directions, exhibit appropriate behavior in public, and to follow rules at home.

   Graduation from treatment  is considered once caregivers master the skills, generalize them in daily life situations and feel comfortable using them outside of therapy sessions as well as the child's behavior is within normal limits for their age.

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